You, your organization, and your team will learn to improve productivity and morale via radical transformation of your leadership and development process. You can even gain the tools tools to pass on your knowledge to others. To help his clients achieve their goals, Richard Kasperowski will consult and mentor with leaders, individuals, and teams who want to plan for success with Agile development tools, Open Space Technology, and the Core Protocols.

Enthusiastic clients with varying needs and levels of experience in Agile product development, meeting facilitation, or leadership development can benefit from these services. Depending upon your vision and requirements, you might engage Richard Kasperowski as a keynote speaker, hands-on mentor, meeting facilitator, or consultant.

Get started with your team. Contact Richard Kasperowski about scheduling a class, workshop, or hands-on team experience.

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Are you ready to experience a 1000-percent improvement in productivity and team spirit? Does your leadership vision include delivering exceptional products on schedule each time? If so, you should know that the Core Protocols will provide you with a stunning solution. Once you understand the Core Protocols, you can improve productivity, quality, and even overall work enjoyment via a very intuitive process.
In partnership with the Greatness Guild and McCarthy Technologies:

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Once you have developed your great team with the Core Protocols, you can continue on to achieve amazing results via Agile development and management techniques. By using the best Agile Scrum tools, you can be certain that your team keeps rapidly creating and delivering the exceptional products your customers need and want.

Here’s how you can get started with or dive further into Agile product development:

  • Experience Agile: In this interactive and fun two-day class, you will learn and actually experience the best techniques. This class will allow you to transfer your learning to real-world situations right away. It will even give you the tools to teach Agile development to other people. This class uses the Certified Scrum Master curriculum.
  • Agile Dojo: In this class, you will spend 100 percent of your time actively engaged in Agile Scrum development. This class is taught with Michael de la Maza and is suitable for Scrum Masters, team members, and managers.
  • Agile Software Development: This semester-long Harvard class covers technical and social aspects of exceptional software development. You can learn more and register here.
  • Agile Coaching: One of the best ways to reinforce learning is through hands-on mentorship and coaching. Work we Richard Kasperowski as he guides your team and helps sustain learning as you work on real-time projects.
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You can employ Open Space technology to improve your team’s effectiveness in a rapidly evolving and innovative work environment. Through Open Space, you and your team can experience a powerful, transformative experience for five to 2,000 people. Richard Kasperowski has already facilitated almost 100 Open Space Sessions, and that includes the World’s Longest Open Space Session.

You can take advantage of any of these services:

  • Full-service Open Space facilitation: Save time with a one-stop shop for Open Space sessions. This package includes everything you will need, including invitations, a meeting space, facilitation, and even post-session follow-ups.
  • This community website offers you an easy and intuitive way to share your Open Space session’s proceedings.
  • The Open-Space-in-a-Box kit: You can order a kit that will contain every tool and supply that you will require to hold Open Space meetings on your own. You’ll benefit right away from Richard Kasperowski’s experience because he has developed this toolbox based on his own experiences at facilitating almost 100 sessions in the United States and internationally.
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