
This is a private High-Performance Team Building™ class. The goal of this course is to help you learn what you need to know to be an effective member or leader of a high-performance team. By the end of this course, you will have seen, heard, practiced, and internalized many of the skills you need to accomplish that goal.

Reading Materials

There is no required reading for this course. Instead, there is a set of recommended reading materials. See the course backlog for details—each backlog item has its own recommended reading list. The recommended readings will enhance your knowledge of the course material. We trust that you are intrinsically motivated to learn, practice, and embody the course material, and that you’ll read as much as possible to maximize your learning.

Class Dates and Locations

This is a live online course. We meet over live video most Wednesdays at 8:00-9:30 ET / 14:00-15:30 CET. Class dates are:


We want communication to be open and transparent, so most course communication takes place in our Slack channel. Richard will email an invitation to you.

Course Backlog

One way we align with Agile values is by using a course backlog—a learning backlog—rather than a traditional syllabus. Our course backlog is the list of topics we plan to cover throughout the semester. Each backlog item includes a short description, a list of activities, a suggested reading list, and the date on which we forecast we’ll cover the backlog item. The order of topics and dates may change—we’ll adjust the backlog throughout the semester to ensure we’re covering the right topics at the right time.

Click here to view the course backlog.

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