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This blog focuses on learning activities that work in physical space. Want 15+ amazingly fun learning activities that work online? Then take a look at this article, Your Remote Team Actually Can Be Awesome.
I love using games and interactive activities when I share Scrum and Agile with people. Here’s a list of some of the games I use.
Name games
These games are from Stanley Pollack’s excellent book, Moving Beyond Icebreakers.
- Name shout, name wave, name race, name and motion, name and secret skill, name and adjective
- Bag Toss
Class start-up
These ways of collaborating are some of the Core Protocols.

Scrum and Agile fundamentals
- Ball Point Game
- Ball Flow Game
- Presto Manifesto
- Class project: use Scrum to write courseware that teaches you everything you need to know about Scrum (inspired by Jim & Michelle McCarthy’s Core Protocols BootCamp)
- Scrum, itself, is a game!
- Innovation Games, including Speed Boat and 20/20 Vision
- Perfection Game (a Core Protocol) and Passionometer (an additional Protocol)
These activities are from my blog post on Agile Games for Self-Management.
- Line Up
- 60 Paces
- Triangles
- Human Knot
- Human Sculpture
- Alphabet and numbers: How fast can you go at simple tasks? What if you multitask? Round one: in 10 seconds, write the letters, e.g. A B C D. Round two: in 20 seconds, write letters and numbers, e.g. A1 B2 C3 D4. Round three: in 30 seconds, write letters, numbers, and the letters of your name, e.g. A1R B2I C3C D4H. Round four: in 40 seconds, write letters, numbers, the letters of your name, and the letters of the alphabet backward, e.g. A1RZ B2IX C3CY. Michael de la Maza taught me this game. Here’s a timer you can use.
Batch size
What are you favorite Agile and Scrum learning games?