Giving Thanks

This is a transcript of the pecha kucha I shared at Give Thanks for Scrum 2013 in November. My slides are here. I’m Richard Kasperowski. I’m an independent Agile coach and Open Space facilitator. I wasn’t sure what to say today, so I followed the advice on page 11 of the Scrum Guide and held a retrospective. I used [...]

By |2023-04-22T21:12:39-04:00January 15th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Giving Thanks

Self-management and self-organization: Agile games with motion

Hi there! I'm so glad you visited! After you read this article, check out my courses, latest book, podcast, and other blog articles. Enjoy!  Self-management and self-organization, or command-and-control: it's a deliberate choice for you and your team, not a default that you blindly accept. But what if your team [...]

By |2023-04-22T21:12:44-04:00October 29th, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Self-management and self-organization: Agile games with motion

Radical Innovation: The Six Week Open Space Experiment

Thanks to everyone who attended my session, "Radical Innovation: The Six Week Open Space Experiment," at Scrum Gathering Barcelona 2012 this week.  My slides are here.  My hope: each of you will hold Open Space when you return home.  Will you share your experience with me?

By |2025-02-19T20:11:45-05:00October 9th, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Radical Innovation: The Six Week Open Space Experiment

Scrum and Agile lack credibility outside our community

At the Scrum Gathering in Orlando, we talked about company management as an impediment to the adoption of Agile and Scrum within organizations. Within the Scrum/Agile community, we are all believers and advocates. We network within our community. We publish data that support the adoption of Agile and Scrum, and we trust the data because [...]

By |2023-04-22T21:12:57-04:00June 1st, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Scrum and Agile lack credibility outside our community

See Richard at Scrum Gathering 2010

I will be presenting at this year's Scrum Gathering in Orlando, March 8-10. My first presentation is Sneaky Scrum, a Pecha-Kucha, on March 9 at 8:00 in Sanibel 1 & 2: Does your organization resist Scrum? Is your boss afraid of Scrum because of the strange jargon and lack of big up front planning? Do your developers [...]

By |2023-04-22T21:13:03-04:00February 23rd, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on See Richard at Scrum Gathering 2010
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